Healthier Alternatives to Cooking Oils

Cooking Oils are loaded with calories, but how can you cook without them?

Julieanna Hever, author of the “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition” (, has some clever answers. Hever says you can cut out hundreds of calories a day by cutting out oil, as most contain 120 calories per tablespoon. “And,” she adds, “it’s pure fat.” The oils lack fiber and other nutrients, so it’s a refined, processed ingredient.

Julianna shares a lot of tips for cutting out oil, including a swap for sauteing. When a tablespoon of oil is called for, use 1/4-cup of vegetable broth instead, she says. And you may not even notice the difference.

Watch the video for more great ideas:

photo credit: cottonseedoil via photopin cc

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