‘Secrets’ You Shouldn’t Keep From Your Doctor
Put It All Out There
If there’s ever a place to be honest about your habits and your health, it’s your doctor’s office. Forget the embarrassment — your doctor’s there to help you, and the more information she has, the more she’s able to do.
‘I Never Binge Drink’
Don’t want to tell your doc just how hard you party? Binge drinking can throw test results off and send your doctor down the wrong path if you have health problems.
‘I Quit Smoking’
It may seem like a harmless way to avoid a lecture, but your doctor needs to know if you smoke. It can interfere with certain drugs, and might help explain symptoms you may have. And he may be able to help you kick the habit for good, through therapy or medication.
‘I Eat Mostly Kale … ’
“… unless there are doughnuts nearby.” If you leave out this last part while your weight and “bad” cholesterol skyrocket, your tall tale could lead to less effective treatment. You’re not the first person with a doughnut weakness, so just tell the truth — your doctor might be able to help you manage your eating habits.
‘I Run Every Day’
Tell your doctor the truth about your exercise habits. It will help her figure out how to keep you healthy. If you’re not the type to go to the gym every day, that’s OK. There are lots of ways to have an active lifestyle: Garden, play with your dog, or take a brisk stroll around the block.
‘I Had Sex With 1 Person This Year’
A doctor’s visit is not a morality test. If you have sex with several partners, you could be at risk for certain diseases, and it might help explain some medical problems. Your doctor’s not there to judge, but to help.
‘I Don’t Have Any STDs’
If you think you have one, know you have one, or have had one in the past, tell your doctor. It may be awkward, but some STDs can be dangerous if they’re not treated. They’re also contagious. One awkward moment with your doctor now could save you awkward moments with sexual partners later.
‘I’m Not Sleeping With Anyone’
Lying about having sex — or who you’re having it with — appears to be pretty common. It may seem like no one’s business, but it’s important to be honest about whether you’re with the same sex, the opposite sex, or both. It can make a difference, especially if your doctor is trying to figure out what certain symptoms might mean (pregnancy, for example).
‘My Sex Life Is Great’
If you have trouble in the bedroom — low sex drive or erectile dysfunction (ED) — it can be a sign of an illness and your doctor should know about it, especially if you’re young and otherwise healthy. Plus, your doctor may be able to improve your symptoms with medication or a referral for psychological therapy.
‘I Feel Great!’
Don’t ignore little things that may be bothering you — they could be valuable clues to your doctor. Do you get headaches when you exercise? That may not seem like be a big deal, but it could be a sign of something serious.
‘I Don’t Do Drugs’
This can be a dangerous lie. If your doctor prescribes you medication, it may react with street drugs and make you sick or cause other problems. Drug abuse can also cause other issues your doctor may not know to look for. If you have a drug habit or addiction, your doctor may be able to help you stop.
‘I Don’t Take Supplements’
Afraid to get into a discussion with your doctor about those vitamin supplements you buy at the grocery store? Your doctor needs to know. Some may be dangerous if you take them along with other medications or you have certain medical conditions.
‘I Take My Pills’
About half of people who are chronically sick don’t take their medication the way they’re supposed to. If you skip it because you’re worried about side effects, or you don’t like the way they make you feel, tell your doctor. He may be able to adjust it. If money is the problem he might help you find ways to lower the cost.
‘I Don’t Take Over-the-Counter Medication’
It’s important to tell your doctor about all the medication you take. It can interfere with the way prescription medications work, sometimes in a dangerous way.
Source: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/ss/slideshow-lies-tell-doctor