Eat Yourself Skinny!

Featuring: Chia Seeds

– Add chia seeds to your diet and you will soon begin to see the results. They are a true superfood, a powerhouse of nutrition.  Most people soon notice an increase in energy, clearer thinking and a calmer, happier mood. The high fiber content aids regularity in a natural, gentle way.

After a couple of months  you should notice clearer skin and more glossy hair, a result, I believe, of the high omega 3 content of the seeds. Because chia seeds digest slowly they make you feel fuller longer which can be an aid to weight loss.

Chia seeds are super high in soluble fiber — which, in addition to filling you up, has cholesterol-lowering properties and prevents the absorption of fat. For a hydrating metabolism-boosting beverage, try a chia seed cocktail. Add chia seeds, a slice of lemon and a dash of agave to distilled water.

photo credit: Jennuine Captures via photopin cc

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