How to Avoid Restless Legs

Below are a few simple fixes that may help you calm your legs at bedtime.

Sleep Late

Restless legs syndrome, also called RLS, makes it hard to sleep. Your legs may ache, burn, tingle, twitch, or jerk. To get the deep sleep you need, try going to bed a little later and sleeping later in the morning. Those morning hours may be some of your best rest.

Keep a Regular Bedtime

Going to sleep and waking up at the about the same time every day helps just about everyone sleep better. When you have RLS, it may stop a bad cycle where fatigue makes your symptoms worse, and then the twitching and tingling ruins your sleep for another night. Pay attention to how much sleep you need to feel your best. Most adults need seven to nine hours each night.

Stretch Before You Sleep

Gentle stretching before bed might help. For a calf stretch, step forward and bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, in a small lunge. You can put your hand on a wall for support. Repeat on the other side. Stretching also helps if you’ve been sitting for a long time.

Cut the Caffeine

Coffee, tea, chocolate, and cola can all give you a little burst of energy, thanks to the caffeine, but they can also make your RLS symptoms worse, even hours later. Cut out this stimulant and you may find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. If you cut down, keep in mind that caffeine can affect some people for as long as 12 hours.

Soak in a Warm Bath

A warm bath before bedtime relaxes you and makes it easier to fall asleep. So it’s probably not surprising that this classic way to wind down also reduces the symptoms of RLS.

Chill or Warm Your Legs

Heating pad or ice pack? Go with whatever feels good. Either change in temperature can be soothing. Some people say a cold shower works best.

Make Exercise a Habit

Moderate exercise during the day pays off with better sleep at night. Walk, jog, lift weights, or find any exercise you enjoy. One study found that exercise led to less leg movement and longer and deeper sleep for people with RLS. Be careful not to overdo it. Intense exercise or working out just before bedtime could make your symptoms worse.

Exercise Your Brain

Sitting still can trigger RLS symptoms, such as when you sit down in the evening to watch TV or you’re stuck on a crowded bus. Activities that distract your mind can sometimes ease your symptoms. Work a crossword puzzle, read a great book, or play a video game.

There’s 9 More! See All RLS Mitigation Tips Here: WebMD

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