Common Public Hot Spots That Are Breeding Grounds For Germs

Some Public Places Are Dirtier Than You Might Think

Did you know that elevators and shopping carts are breeding grounds for bacteria? Learn where germs are lurking and the best ways to protect yourself.

Swimming With Bacteria

A water park crawling with 1,000 kids can have 22 pounds of poop floating around, says Michele Hlavsa, RN, chief of the CDC’s Healthy Swimming Program. Little kids can carry as much as 10 grams of leftover feces on their rear ends, she says. They don’t make a habit of washing off before jumping in, so all that poop just rinses off into the pool. It adds up, and chlorine doesn’t kill everything. The CDC found that more than half of pools test positive for E. coli, which can cause bloody diarrhea. Your best line of defense? Try not to swallow any water.

What’s for Dinner?

Restaurant menus have 100 times more bacteria than a toilet seat, says Charles Gerba, PhD, a microbiologist with the University of Arizona, better known as Dr. Germ. They’re touched by tons, but only wiped down once a day, if that, and usually with a used rag. Instead of washing your hands before you sit down, scrub up after you order. And never lay your silverware on top of the menu.

Like Germs With Your Garnish?

Like a squeeze of lemon with your water? Researchers looked at dozens of wedges from the rims of restaurant glasses. They found nearly 70% of the lemons had disease-causing microbes, including E. coli and feces, that could cause some nasty stomach issues. Next time, you may want to take your iced tea lemon-free.

The Fountain of Youth

Think twice before sipping from the water fountain at your kid’s school. It’s dirtier than their toilet seats! That’s because the bathrooms are cleaned regularly. Have you ever seen someone clean a drinking fountain? Just carry a water bottle with you instead.

Soap Dispensers

Ironically, public soap pumps are a breeding ground for bacteria, too. Think about it: From the stall to the sink, there’s no telling what your hands can pick up. So scrub for at least 20 seconds or carry hand sanitizer. And before you reach for that door handle, think about how many people don’t wash after using the restroom. The CDC says only 31% of men and 65% of women do.

Carting Around Grime

Shopping cart handles can be downright gross. Turns out you’re picking up more than just a loaf of bread. That handle can be swarming with up to 11 million microorganisms, including ones from raw meat. And just think about all the dirty diapers on that seat — the same one you’re putting your produce on. A lot of grocery stores have antibacterial wipes handy, so use them.

For the remaining 5 germ-infested public places Click Here. Source WebMD.

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